If you are too busy and can not come to our stores or you are having trouble with transportation, just give HMC Laundry a call, we will send our shippers to pick up/deliver your clothes. We want to give our customers the best service experience. As soon as you make a call, our team will take care of the rest.
How it works
- Call us on +84 772 544 544 / (+84) 937 925 326 to make pick up or delivery request
- Our team will confirm the request.
- Place your clothes in a clean bag or basket. Special requests regarding stain removal, etc should be carefully noted.
Pre-arranged location
Customers don’t even need to be in a pre-arranged location. We just need to know where, when and who we can meet to collect your items.
- Living in apartment
Customers can hand over your clothes to a receptionist or concierge. We will collect it from them.
- Collecting at office
Customers can hand over your clothes to your assistant or receptionist. We will collect it from them. Phone number of contact person is recommended
Note: Standard service: 3-5 working days